Blog for Rocket distribution, suppliers of the pumpabike, evo power boards, wildsling, and many more extreme gadgets and toys such as the famous human powered hydrofoil

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

On TV - The Gadget Show

On TV - The Gadget Show: "he test location had calm sheltered bays which were perfect for testing a water gadget. The Pumpabike arrived in a black hold-all and weighed in at 14kg. It came flat packed, so before we could hit the water we had to get it assembled.

As it took shape it began to look like a real world equivalent of a star wars speeder bike and apparently it has a potentional top speed of 20 mph in the water. Suzi was quite excited about having a go and Pumpabike expert, Mark, was on hand to give her one to one tuition."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a pile of junk! I bought one 5 years ago, we used it 25 times and it broke 16 times. Eventually asked for my money back and the distributor refused as he said he had supplied new parts everytime it broke.

7:07 PM


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